DRI Webinar - How To Effectively Prepare for And Depose an Opposing Parties' Expert Witness
On November 2, 2021, at 1:00 pm ET, Mr. Saible will be giving a live webinar for the Defense Research Institute (DRI) on "How to Prepare and Depose an Opposing Party's Expert Witness."
This webinar will provide general guidelines and strategies for effectively deposing an opposing parties' expert(s). Specifically, it will provide an overview of expert depositions, why they are important, the reasons for taking an expert deposition, how to prepare for them, an overview of Duces Tecum's and obtaining discoverable documents, strategies for eliciting favorable testimony, important case law for precluding/limiting expert testimony, as well as other practical tips.
What Will You Learn?
How expert testimony may be applied in your case and specifically at trial;
Practical advice for preparing and deposing experts;
Important case law for potentially precluding and/or limiting expert testimony;
Strategies for effective ways to elicit favorable testimony to rebut or otherwise discredit an expert.
Who Should Attend?
Attorneys who have never deposed an expert but expect to do so in the future;
Attorneys who have deposed an expert but felt lost doing so;
Attorneys who have deposed experts but would like to do so more effectively;
Attorneys who have experience deposing experts but feel they may benefit from another's perspective.
You may access the link for the webinar here on DRI.org